[EF #7] Enjoy the Moment


The picture taken on December, 2014 in Cirebon when I and my friends went to Kasepuhan Palace. We used two pedicabs and pay Rp 10.000,- per each. When suddenly turned around, I saw those two pedicabs drivers chatting while driving the pedicabs. Mmm…maybe I just mellow at that time but when I saw those two drivers, I smile. And talk to myself, “Life is not competition to be won.”

Ah, suddenly I am thinking about Jakarta, a very crowded city and full of the competition and…anger.

Let me tell you the story.

When I want to go to the office this morning, I saw a woman screaming to the bus driver, who push her motorcycle until the woman fall down, mm…not really fall down actually but just shaky a little bit. After that, some people come to help the woman and the bus driver need to pay some compensation to the women.

And the incident like that happens a lot of time in Jakarta.

To be honest, I feel sad every time I saw the incident like this. I am sad some people need to be fighting in the public area and shout some harsh words.

Back to those two pedicabs drivers, I saw peace on their faces. They are not in hurry to do their job. They enjoy the moment.

Well, when is the last time you really enjoy YOUR moment and do you can handle your emotion when meet something out of your expectation?


23 thoughts on “[EF #7] Enjoy the Moment

    1. Pernah ngobrol sama supir angkot Miwwa, dia gak spt yang lain. Dia mah gak ngetem. Gak ngebut. Dia bilang, kalau dah rejeki saya, yang gak dikejar akan datang. Kalau bukan rejeki saya, yang dikejar pun gak akan datang.

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  1. Ah. Cirebon. Hehehe. City with so many memories. Pernah gw naik becak cuma minta diajak keliling kotanya Dev. Hahaha. Atau naik becak desek2an 4 org. Abangnya smp bengong awalnya. Tp akhirnya mau. Hihi. Atau ujan2an dr carefour ke kost bawa banyak barang (pas wkt itu beli lemari).

    But yes. I agree. Let’s just have this moment. Enjoy it untill it became the best moment of your life.


      1. Ongkosnya. Nah itu. Gw beruntungnya nemu abang becak yang super duper baik. Gw tanya berapa dia gak ksh jwbn. Gw ksh 40rb dia girang banget.


  2. I kinda remember a Balinese song when reading this.
    “Pada-pada ngalih makan, baang pianak miwah kurenan.
    Pada-pada ngalih makan, raga sing idup didian.”
    (Together looking for food, for wife and our children.
    Together looking for food, because we aren’t live alone.)
    I think the lyrics apply to them :hehe.

    Ah, the only thing I knew about Cheribon was just it’s train station (nasib orang yang cuma transit) :haha.

    Good post 🙂


  3. Jakarta is a tough city, everyone is always on a rush to go somewhere. Doing something with my husband is always an enjoyable moment, but it can also turn to a rage when we got into a heated argument 😁


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